Turkish War of Independence.
Turkish military officer Mustafa Kemal Ataturk leads the Turkish war of independance, Ending Oct. 29, 1923 -
Treaty of Sevres
reduces Ottoman Empire to a small area of Anatolia. -
The Republic of Turkey is founded by Ataturk.
Ataturk is named the first President of Turkey. -
Ending of Turkish war
United Kingdom gains Mesopotamia and Cyprus from Turkey.
France gains Syria from Turkey in War of Turkish Independence -
Grand National Assembly adopted a new constitution
In 1924 the Grand National Assembly adopted a new constitution to replace the 1876 constitution that had continued to serve as the legal framework for the republican government. -
Samuel Commission, released a report on the coal industry advocating wage reductions.
Setting off strikes all over the nation in May. -
Boundary with Iraq
Boundary with Iraq settled by League of Nations initiative. -
Trade Disputes Act
Trade Disputes Act of 1927 made sympathetic striking illegal -
Removing Islam
Islam was removed as the official state religion. -
Women gained the right to vote
Women gained the right to vote and run for elected office. -
World war two begins
World War II begins. Turkey remains neutral