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TB reaches it's peak in Europe
In the 18th century in Western Europe, tuberculosis reached its peak with a prevalence as high as 900 deaths per 100,000. -
surgery to help TB
Before antibiotics were found effective against tuberculosis, surgical treatment of tuberculosis was common and often life saving. Dr. James Carson, a Scottish physician, began treatment by draining pleural effusion from around the lungs and found surgery helped prolong life -
The tubercle bacilli or the causative organism of tuberculosis was demonstrated by Robert Koch in 1882.
The tubercle bacilli or the causative organism of tuberculosis was demonstrated by Robert Koch in 1882. -
In 1895 Wilhelm Roentgen developed X rays which further advanced diagnostics of tuberculosis.
In the nineteenth century the concept of keeping tuberculosis patients isolated in a sanatorium started. -
Vaccine for TB
In 1908, the French scientists Albert Calmette and Camille Guerin grew Koch’s bacillus in several mediums to decrease their virulence and increase the capacity to produce immunity. This led to the now famous vaccine called BCG named after the two founders. BCG was introduced in 1921.