Unknown 33

Tsunamis Timeline

  • Lisbon Earthquake

    Magnitude: 7.7
    Death Toll: 12,000-50,000
    Interesting Facts:
    This took place on Saints Day causing many people to be attending mass at this time.
    Many public buildings collapsed, such as churches causing thousands to die.
  • Krakatoa Eruption

    Magnitude: 6
    Death Toll: 36,417
    Interesting Facts:
    The eruption of the volcano was so loud it could be heard 3,000 miles away.
    The tsunami was so high it could reach a six foot Storie building.
  • Aleutian Earthquake

    Magnitude: 8.6 Death Toll: 165-173 The Tsunami caused by this earthquake was traveling at 490 mph when it was at sea. The length of the wave stretched out 100 miles wide.
  • Great Chilean Earthquake

    Magnitude: 9.5 Death Toll: 6,000 The Earthquake left 2 million people without homes as a result. The tsunami didn't just hit coastal towns but traveled inland all the way to Japan.
  • Good Friday Earthquake

    Magnitude: 9.2 Death Toll: 131 The earthquake lasted for a total of 4 and a half minutes. This was the 2nd largest earthquake in world history records.
  • Hokkaido Earthquake

    Magnitude: 7.8 Death Toll: 230 After the tsunami Japan decided to build a sea wall to protect them from future tsunamis. This earthquake started by an landslide that accorded at the base of volcanic breccia bed.
  • Papua New Guinea Earthquake

    Magnitude: 7 Death Toll: 3000 The tsunami followed the earthquake after 10-25 minutes leaving people little to no warning. When the tsunami came people were pushed inland into swamps and lagoons.
  • Sumatra Earthquake

    Magnitude: 9.1 Death Toll: 280,000 The fault rupture was massive, it extended from Sumatra north all the way to the Andaman Island. The earthquake took place 1 day after the holiday we all know Christmas.
  • Samoa Earthquake

    Magnitude: 8.1 Death toll: 1853 There was not just one but two earthquakes that hit simultaneously causing a tsunami. The damages were great with 200 million dollars and causing the emotional and economical side of the islands to struggle.
  • Chile Earthquake

    Magnitude: 8.8 Death toll: around 1000 The catalyst for this earthquake was water pressure build up between the plates. While on the Pacific Ocean the tsunami wave was traveling at an astonishing speed of 450 mph.
  • Tohoku Earthquake

    Magnitude: 9 Death toll:15900 The tsunami disable 2 nuclear power plant and went right over the sea wall. 123000 house were destroyed and 1 million damaged from this tsunami.
  • Sulawesi Earthquake

    Magnitude: 7.5 Death Toll: 2000 Earthquakes are common in this are but tsunamis are not because of the small vertical ground rapture on the plates. Also when the tsunami took place it was high tide which amplified this tsunami.