Lisbon Earthquake
The waves were estimated at 6 meters tall. There were three waves that hit other towns near lisbon. -
Krakatoa eruption
It exploded hot ash 50 miles into the air. The explosion was 13,000 times more powerful than the hiroshima bomb. -
Aleutian Earthquake
Waves were moving at 500 mph. Its known as the april fools day tsunami. -
Great Chilean Earthquake
The rupture zone spread 500-1000 kilometers. 2,000,000 people became homeless. -
Good Friday Earthquake
It caused an underwater landslide. 25 of 76 drowned. -
Hokkaido Earthquake
2-5 minutes after the quake hit the tsunami hit. The tsunami caused a big land slide. -
Papua New Guinea Earthquake
It had a depth of 90 kilometers -
Sumatra Earthquake
It had a released energy of 23,000 Hiroshima atomic bombs. -
Samoa Earthquake
There was a 76 mm rise in sea levels. -
Chile Earthquake
It had the most powerful tremblor in recorded history. -
Tohoku Earthquake
The tremblor shortened the day by a micro second. -
Sulawesi Earthquake
2.4 million people were affected.