
  • Tsunami in Lispen

    It was caused by the Azores-Gibraltar transform fault nd it killed about Ten Thousand people.
  • Tsunami in Lisbon

    About Ninety Thousand people were killed
  • Tsunami in Japan

    Ships were tossed inland
  • Tsunami in Messina

    Killed about ten thousand people
  • Tsunami in Grand banks

    Started by an earthquake
  • Tsunami in Aleutian islands

    It was 14-metres high (46 feet) surge
  • Tsunami in Lituya Bay

    Caused highest wave ever recorded which had a height of 524 metres (over 1,700 feet)
  • Tsunami in Lituya Bay, Alaska

    Created the tallest tsunami ever recorded at 1,700 feet (534 m) high. Although only two people died.
  • Tsunami on the Coast of Chile

    Was one of the biggest tsunamis known
  • Tsunami in Monte Toc

    Massive tsunami went into the Vajont Dam in Italy which overtopped the 262 m (860 ft) high dam by 250 metres (820 ft) and destroyed several towns. It also killed around 2,000 people.
  • Tsunami in Papua New Guinea

    Came from earthquake
  • Tsunami in Japan

    Almost killed 230,000 people
  • Tsunami in The Indian Ocean

    killed more then 216,000 people