

  • 3. 1755 Lisbon tsunami

    In 1755, a 9.0 magnitude earthquake triggered a 400 foot wave that killed over 60,000 and destroyed two thirds of the city.
  • 1. 1883 Krakatoa tsunami

    In 1883, the volcanic island of Krakatoa erupted in Indonesia. The eruption destroyed two-thirds of the island. The eruption sent a 130 foot wave across the ocean killing around 36,000 people from Indonesia t India.
  • 4. 1908 Messina tsunami

    In 1908, an earthquake off the coast of Messina, Italy, triggered a large tsunami that killed more than 75,000 people. Some people and reports say it may have killed more than 200,000 and reduced their population by a lot.
  • 2. 1498 Japan tsunami

    I'm 1498, an 8.3 magnitude earthquake triggered a 56 foot wave that killed 31,000 people. Japan is certainly known or their earthquakes and tsunamis.
  • 5. 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami

    The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami killed more than 300,000 people. This Tsunami was triggered by the second worst earthquake ever at a 9.2. The wave was over 80 feet tall.
  • 5. 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami

    The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami killed more than 300,000 people. This tsunami was triggered by the second largest recorded earthquake ever, a 9.3. It took over 300,000 lives.