Lisbon Earthquake - Portugal
The Lisbon earthquake had a magnitude of 9.0. The resultant tsunami killed 20,00 people. The quake happened during the feast of All Saints. The earthquake, tsunamis, and fires almost comply destroying Lisbon. -
Krakatoa Eruption - Java/ Sumatra
The Krakatoa eruption caused a tsunami killed 36,000 people. The waves were 120 feet tall and tossed up 600 ton blocks of coal to shore. It also brought a steam ship one mile inland killing all 28 crew members. -
Aleutian Earthquake - Alaska
The Aleutian earthquake had a magnitude of 8.1. The resulting tsunami killed 160 people. It caused $26 million in damage. It also traveled all the way to Hawaii devastating Hilo Hawaii. -
Good Friday Earthquake - Alaska
The magnitude of the Good Friday Earthquake was 9.2. It caused a tsunami that killed 130 people. It was the most powerful earthquake in North America. Caused the tsunami waves to me 219 feet tall. -
Great Chilean Earthquake - Chile
The magnitude of the Great Chilean earthquake was 9.5. The tsunami caused by the quake killed 61 people. The quake lasted 10 minutes. It caused a tsunami that moved across the Pacific in Hawaii, Japan and the Philippines. -
Hokkaido Earthquake - Japan
The Hokkaido earthquake had a magnitude of 7.8. It caused a tsunami that killed 120 people. The earthquake was actually two short quakes 20 and 35 seconds. The tsunami hit seven minutes after the second quake. -
Papua New Guinea Quake - Papua New Guinea
The Papua New Guinea quake had a magnitude of 7.1. It caused a tsunami that killed 2100 people. The tsunami was caused by a underwater landslide. The quake and tsunami ontop of eachother caused crakes in the ground. -
Sumatra Earthquake - Indonesia
The Sumatra earthquake had a magnitude of 9.1. The tsunami it caused killed 230,000 people. The tsunami was so huge it killed people in fourteen different countries. It is recorded as the worlds deadliest tsunami. -
Soma Earthquake - Soma Islands
The Soma earthquake had a magnitude of 8.1. The tsunami it caused killed 200 people. The quake happened within the ring of fire and was the largest earthquake of 2009. -
Chile Earthquake - Chile
The magnitude of the Chile earthquake was 8.8. The tsunami it caused killed 700 people. At the time it was the most powerful tremor to hit Chile in fifty years. It also caused three hospitals to collapse. -
Tohoku Earthquake - Japan
The Tohoku earthquake had a 9.1 magnitude. It caused a tsunami that killed 20,000 people. It was so bad debris started to wash up on the coast of America. Japan lucky sends text alerts to all of its citizens and stops trains and factory lines saving thousands of lives. -
Sulawesi Earthquake - Indonesia
The Sulawesi earthquake had a 7.5 magnitude. The tsunami it caused killed 832 people. The alarm system normally in place failed to warn anyone. The Palu Nomoni Festival continued on it was even reported people were walking the beaches as it approached sweeping away hundreds of lives.