
  • Lisbon, Portugal

    Lisbon, Portugal
    Magnitude- 9
    Death Toll- 20,000 people
    Interesting Facts-
    This tsunami resulted in fire.
    It was about 23 feet.
  • Krakota, Sumatra

    Krakota, Sumatra
    Magnitude- none
    Death Toll- 36,000 people
    Interesting Facts-
    This tsunami destroyed 165 villages.
    It was about 115 feet.
  • Aleutians, Alaska

    Aleutians, Alaska
    Magnitude- 8.1
    Death Toll- 160 people
    Interesting Facts-
    This tsunami was produced in the Hawaiian islands.
    The focal depth was 25 km.
  • Valdivia, Chile

    Valdivia, Chile
    Magnitude- 9.5
    Death Toll- 61 people
    Interesting Facts-
    It traveled 15 hours across the pacific ocean.
    It caused $550 million in damages.
  • Good Friday, Alaska

    Good Friday, Alaska
    Magnitude- 9.2
    Death Toll- 130 people
    Interesting Facts- This killed people in both Alaska and California.
    The Pacific and the north American plates ruptured.
  • Hokkaido, Japan

    Hokkaido, Japan
    Magnitude- 7.8
    Death Toll- 120 people
    Interesting Facts- The age of the widely distribution tsunami deposit is older than 1741 Oshima.
    The tsunami hit an island in Japan.
  • Papua New Guinea

    Papua New Guinea
    Magnitude- 7.1
    Death Toll- 2,100 people
    Interesting Facts- There were 5 waves that villagers saw in the distance.
    Many people seem to believe that it was a submarine landslide that caused it.
  • Sumatra, Indonesia

    Sumatra, Indonesia
    Magnitude- 8.1
    Death Toll- 230,000 people
    Interesting Facts- 12 nations were effected by this tsunami.
    Tectonic subsidence and liquefication were significant contributors to the devestation.
  • Samoa

    Magnitude- 8.1
    Death Toll- 200 people
    Interesting Facts- Caused by at least two or more earthquakes.
    Many people did research and found out signs of the impending tsunami.
  • Chile

    Magnitude- 8.8
    Death Toll- 700 people
    The large sesmic gap had increase the earthquake hazard overtime. The after shock had effected the ecosystem.
  • Tohoku, Japan

    Tohoku, Japan
    Magnitude- 9.1
    Death Toll- 20,000 people
    The earthquake was the deadliest in Japan.
    This event also affected the world globally.