Deadly Tsunamis- Emma Smith

  • Nankaido, Japan

    Nankaido, Japan
    A magnitude 8.4 earthquake triggered 25m high waves. Killing 30,000 people.
  • Lisbon, Portugal

    Lisbon, Portugal
    An earthquake with a magnitude of 8.5 caused three waves with the tallest one reaching 30m high. This tsunami killed as much as 60,000 people in Portugal, Morocco, and Spain combined.
  • Ruyuku Islands, Japan

    Ruyuku Islands, Japan
    A magnitude 7.4 earthquake struck and hit the islands causing a tsunami. The wave was 10-15m high. This earthquake and tsunami killed about 12,000 people
  • Northern Chile

    Northern Chile
    A magnitude 8.5 earthquake happened on the coast of Africa. This sent a 21m high wave across the ocean. This event killed about 25,000 people
  • Krakatau, Indonesia

    Krakatau, Indonesia
    This tsunami was not caused by an earthquake, but a volcanic explosion of the Krakatau Volcano. The waves were as high as 37m. This killed around 40,000 people
  • Sanriku, Japan

    Sanriku, Japan
    The Earthquake was a 7.6 magnitude. The wave was 38.2m high, killing 22,000 people.
  • April Fools Tsunami

    April Fools Tsunami
    In Alaska, the earthquake was a magnitude of 7.1. The waves that reached Hawaii were 13.7m high. This tsunami killed 159 people.
  • Valdivia, Chile

    Valdivia, Chile
    An earthquake with a magnitude of 9.5 struck causing a tsunami. 6,000 people were killed from these waves.
  • Papua New Guinea

    Papua New Guinea
    The earthquake was a 7.1 magnitude causing waves to reach 10m high. The event killed 2,200 people.
  • Sumatra, Indonesia

    Sumatra, Indonesia
    The magnitude 9.1 earthquake triggered a tsunami reaching as high as 50m. This killed around 230,000 people. An estimated $10 billion was in damages.
  • North Pacific Coast, Japan

    North Pacific Coast, Japan
    The tsunami was preceded by a 9.0 magnitude earthquake. The event killed more than 18,000 people. It is estimated that there was $235 billion in damages.