Lisbon Tsunami
The Lisbon earthquake (M9) occurred in the Kingdom of Portugal. As a result of the quake, a tsunami broke out. It happened on "All Saints Day" at about 9:40 (local time). Subsequent fires burst out and buildings collapsed because of the feeble construction. Its death toll is estimated to be around 20,000 people. -
Krakatoa Eruption
The Krakatoa eruption was a volcanic explosivity index of 6. Resulting from the eruption, a tsunami unleashed onto what is currently Indonesia. The death toll from the tsunami itself is estimated to be around 36,000 people. The eruption was rated to be one of the most dangerous and deadly eruptions recorded in human history. -
Aleutian Tsunami
The Aleutian Islands earthquake (M8.1) resulted in a tsunami that killed an estimated 160 people and totaled $26 million in damages. The Tsunami was completely unpredicted and caught the natives off-guard. The Tsunami arrived only 4.5 hours after the initial quake. The highest waves were recorded to be around 130 feet tall. -
Great Chilean Tsunami
In Valdivia Chili, the most powerful earthquake ever recorded took place. A magnitude 9.5 earthquake shook the world. The powerful earthquake formed a tsunami which killed an additional 61 people on top of the many that died from the original quake. Adjusting for inflation, the whole ordeal cost about 6.41 billion dollars in damages. -
Good Friday Tsunami
A Magnitude 9.2 earthquake in Alaska triggered a tsunami. Both events occurred on Good Friday. The death toll is estimated to be around 130. The damages cost 3.11 million dollars USD. The highest reported waves reached about 30 feet tall. -
Hokkaido Tsunami
In Hokkaido Japan, an earthquake with a 7.8 magnitude caused a tsunami to hit parts of the island country. The city of Okushiri was primarily hit by the tsunami and even through its defense system for it, still suffered around 120 deaths. -
Papua New Guinea Tsunami
An earthquake (M 7.1) in Papua New Guinea triggered a tsunami. The death toll is estimated to 2100 people. There was little to no tsunami defense, or preparation for the disaster, resulting in a higher than average death-rate for the event. -
Sumatra Tsunami
In Sumatra, and earthquake with a magnitude of 9.1, started a devastating tsunami that been recorded as the highest death-toll tsunami known to mankind. An estimated 230,000 deaths were said to be spread across 14 countries. -
Samoa Tsunami
An earthquake (8.1) caused a tsunami to kill around 200 people in Samoa. This tsunami had an unusual trait. It killed mainly children. Around 75% of the victims were kids. -
Chile Tsunami
A magnitude 8.8 earthquake in Chili started a tsunami in 2010. Its death toll is nearly 700. The earthquake occurred 29 mi. offshore, and severe aftershocks caused a chain of more, smaller tsunami waves. -
Tohoku Tsunami
In 2011 a magnitude 9.1 earthquake forced a tsunami to come ashore the town of Tohoku. The tsunami hit a powerplant and damages, fire, and destruction ran rampant. The death toll is estimated to be 20,000.