Lisbon Earthquake
The Lisbon Earthquake occurred in Portugal on November 1st, 1755. The magnitude ranged from 8.5-9. November 1st is also All Saints day, where people were in crowds. 60,000 people were killed. -
Krakatoa Eruption
The Krakatoa Eruption occurred on August 26,1883. The Volcanic Explosivity Index of the eruption was 6. The eruption destroyed 165 costal villages and it killed 159 people, -
Aleutian Earthquake
This earthquake occurred on April 1st, 1946. It was a magnitude 7. The earthquake killed 159 people. $20,000 in damages were caused. -
Great Chilean Earthquake
This earthquake occurred on May 23rd, 1960. It was a magnitude 9.5. The earthquake killed 1,655 people. It also injured 3,000 others. It was the source of a 35 foot tall tsunami. -
Good Friday Earthquake
This earthquake occurred on March 27th, 1964. Its magnitude was 9.2. The earthquake killed 139 people. It was also the cause for several underwater landslides and tsunamis. -
Hokkaido Earthquake
This earthquake occurred on July 12th, 1993. It was a magnitude 7.7. The earthquake killed 230 people. Its epicenter was located in the sea of Japan. -
Papa New Guinea Earthquake
This earthquake occurred on July 17th, 1998. It was a magnitude 7. The earthquake killed 1,600 people. Lasting for 19 seconds, it was caused by an underwater landslide. -
Tohoku Earthquake
This earthquake occurred on March 11, 2011. It was a magnitude 9. The earthquake killed 15,896. It was also the cause of a level seven nuclear meltdown. -
Sumatra Earthquake
This earthquake occurred on December 26, 2004. Its magnitude was 9.1. The earthquake killed 227,898 people. The rupture lasted for 10 minutes. The earthquake was followed by two other major quakes. -
Chile Earthquake
This earthquake occurred on Feb 27, 2017. Its magnitude was 8.8. The earthquake killed 525 people. There were tsunami warnings in 53 different countries. The earthquake caused a prison outbreak and 203 prisoners escaped.