Lisbon tsunami

Tsunami Time Line

  • Lisbon Tsunami

    Lisbon Tsunami
    It had a magnitude of 8.1 and killed around 60,000 people. People where attending mass as the tsunami struck and the church was extremely unstable so most of the deaths where their
  • Krakatoa Tsunami

    Krakatoa Tsunami
    The death toll was 35,000. The tsunami that followed the volcanic eruption was 120 feet high and wiped out 165 coastal villages.
  • Aleutian Tsunami

    Aleutian Tsunami
    The earthquake that struck had a magnitude of 6.1 and killed 173 people. The waves where so strong they came to the coast of Hawaii and people thought it was a joke since it was on April fools day.
  • Great Chilean Tsunami

    Great Chilean Tsunami
    The earthquake the hit had a magnitude of 9.5 and killed 3,000 people. It is the largest earthquake on record for the 20th century. This disaster left 2 million people homeless
  • Good Friday Tsunami

    Good Friday Tsunami
    The earthquake that hit had a magnitude of 9.2 and killed 131 people. This was the strongest earthquake recorded in North America and it was felt inn 47 states
  • Hokkaido Tsunami

    Hokkaido Tsunami
    The earthquake had a magnitude of 7.6 and killed around 2 people. It was one of the two largest earthquakes to hit Japanese islands of Hokkaido within the same year.
  • Papua New Guinea

    Papua New Guinea
    The earthquake had a magnitude of 7.0 and killed 2,200 people. The cause of the tsunami was caused by not the earthquakes but by the landslides triggered by the earthquake
  • Sumatra Tsunami

    Sumatra Tsunami
    The earthquake that hit had a magnitude of 9.1 and killed 227,898. It was one of the most deadly natural disaster to ever occur.
  • Samoa Tsunami

    Samoa Tsunami
    The earthquake had a magnitude of 8.1 and killed 192 people. The damages done cost 200 million dollars and devested the economy.
  • Chile Tsunami

    Chile Tsunami
    The earthquake had a magnitude of 8.8 and killed 500 people. A study of aftershocks indicated that two dense rock structures made the shaking more intense
  • Tohoku Tsunami

    Tohoku Tsunami
    The earthquake had a magnitude of 9.1 and killed 16,000 people. The region had high seismic activity with potential to generate tsunamis
  • Sulawesi Tsunami

    Sulawesi Tsunami
    The earthquake had a magnitude of 7.5 and killed 4,000 people. A tsunami causing great damage with a 7.5 magnitude is unlikely but took place here.