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Tsunami Lab

  • Lisbon Tsunami

    Lisbon Tsunami
    In Lisbon, Portugal an earthquake produced a tsunami that, along with the earthquake resulted in a fire and killed about 20,000 people. The tsunami waves reached up to 7m in the Atlantic. The earthquake occurred on Saturday November 1st at 9:40 local time. The magnitude was 9.
  • Krakatoa Tsunami

    Krakatoa Tsunami
    Violent explosion of Krakatoa in the Sundra strait between java and Sumatra. The top of the volcano collapsed into the ocean, which caused a Tsunami more that 35m high, destroying 165 villages and killing upwards of 36,000 people. This generated the loudest recorded sound in history and happened around 1 pm on August 26th.
  • Aleutian Tsunami

    Aleutian Tsunami
    An Aleutian earthquake that produced a tsunami in the Hawaiian islands, killing 160 people. the waves were traveling at about 490 mph and it happened on April 1st with a magnitude of 8.1.
  • 1960 Chile Earthquake

    1960 Chile Earthquake
    An earthquake in Chile that caused a tsunami that killed 61 people in Hawaii. It traveled for 15 hours across the pacific. It happened on May 20th and was up to 25 m high. Magnitude of 9.5.
  • Alaskan Tsunami

    Alaskan Tsunami
    An Alaskan Earthquake that caused a tsunami that killed roughly 130 people in Alaska and California. It is known as the Good Friday Earthquake and was on March 27th at 5:36 pm. It had a magnitude of 9.2.
  • Sea of Japan Tsunami

    Sea of Japan Tsunami
    Sea of Japan earthquake, that caused a tsunami and killed 120 people in Japan. This happened on July 12th and it also caused some damage in Russia. Had a magnitude of 7.8.
  • Papa New Guinea Tsunami

    Papa New Guinea Tsunami
    A Papa New Guinea earthquake caused a landslide and tsunami that killed 2,100 people in Indonesia. This had a depth of 3o km(19 miles) and it occurred on July 17th. It had a magnitude of 7.1.
  • Sumatra Tsunami

    Sumatra Tsunami
    A Sumatra earthquake and tsunami that killed 230,000 people in Indonesia. The waves went 500 mph and happened the day after Christmas. the magnitude was 9.1.
  • Samoa Tsunami

    Samoa Tsunami
    A Samoa earthquake and tsunami that killed 200 people. It happened on September 29th at 1:48 pm. The depth of it was 15km(9.3 miles). The magnitude was 8.1.
  • 2010 Chile Earthquake

    2010 Chile Earthquake
    A Chile earthquake and tsunami that killed 700 people in coastal towns. This happened on February 27th. The depth of it was 20.6km(12.8 miles). The magnitude was 8.8.
  • Japan Tsunami

    Japan Tsunami
    A Japan Earthquake that caused a tsunami killing 20,000 people, This happened on March 11th. There were 13,386 aftershocks caused from this. the magnitude was 9.1.