1755 Lisbon, Portugal earthquake
The earthquake produced a tsunami that was 7m in size across the Alantic ocean. -
1883 Krakatoa explosion
In 1883 Krakatoa, a volcanoe exploded in the Sundra Strait between Java and Sumatra cause the top of thevolcano to collapse into the ocean causing a tsunami 35m in height. The tsunami destroyed 165 villages and killed more than 36,000 people. -
Sea of Japan Tsunami
On July 12, 1993 an earthquake hit Hokkaido, Japan, causing 230 fatalities. -
Hawaiin Islands Earthquake
The Aleutian Islands in Alaska experienced an earthquake that killed about 160 people. -
Kamchatka Peninsula Tsunami
The Kamchatka Peninsula experienced a 9.0 magnitude earthquake that caused a massive tsunami, killing 2300 people. -
Chilean Earthquake/Tsunami
An Earthquake occured off the coast of Chile on May 22, 1960, which created a Pacific-wide Tsunami. Fatalities are estimated to be between 490 and 2290. -
Alaskan Earthquake
A 9.2 Alaskan earthquake generated a tsunami that killed 130 Alaskans/Califorians. -
Papua New Guinea earthquake
The 7.1 earthquake triggered an underwater landslide which generated tsunami killing 2100 people -
Northwest and central Turkey where struck by a magnitude 7.9 earthquake, which caused a devastating tsunami and killd 17,000 people. -
2004 Sumatra earthquake
The sumatra earthquake of 2004 generated a tsunami that caused massive damage killing 230,000 people -
2009 Samoa earthquake
An 8.1 magnutide quake triggered a tsunami that killed about 200 peopl -
2010 Chile earthquake
An 8.8 magnitude earthquake generated a tsunami in chile that killed 700 coastal town residents -
2011 Japan earthquake
A 9.1 magnitude earthquake generated a tsunami that hit Japan and killed over 20,000 people.