Lisbon Earthquake
The Magnitude of earthquake was 9.0.
The death toll was 10,000-100,00.
One of the most deadly earthquake in history. -
Krakatoa Eruption
Death toll was about 36,000 people.
More powerful than the bomb that defeated Hiroshima. -
Aleutian Earthquake
Magnitude of earthquake was 8.6.
Around 200 Deaths.
26 million dollars in damage. -
Great Chilean Earthquake
The magnitude of this earthquake was 9.5.
About 15,000 deaths.
Left 2 million people homeless. -
Good Friday Earthquake
The magnitude was 9.2.
Around 150 people dead.
2nd most powerful earthquake ever recorded. -
Hokkaido Earthquake
The magnitude of this earthquake was 7.7.
Only about 7 dead.
30 missing and about 150 injured. -
Papua New Guinea Quake
The magnitude of this earthquake was 7.0.
2,200 people in total died.
Also left 9500 people homeless and 500 missing. -
Sumatra Earthquake
9.1 magnitude .
230,000 people died.
15 billion dollars in damage, also released an energy equivalent to 23 Hiroshima bombs. -
Samoa Earthquake
The magnitude of this earthquake was 8.1.
With around 200 dead.
It was the largest quake of 2009. -
Chile Earthquake
Had a magnitude of 8.8.
A death toll of about 550 people.
30 million dollars in damage to South Americans National economy -
Tohoku Earthquake
Had a magnitude of about 9.0.
Had a death toll of 16,000.
Over 360 billion dollars in total damage. -
Sulawesi Earthquake
Had a magnitude of 7.5
A death Toll of 2000 people.
Claimed the accolade of being the deadliest earthquake in 2018.