Truman Presidency

  • GI Bill

  • Truman Sworn in as VP

  • Truman becomes President

  • Potsdam Begins

  • USA Drops Atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Nagasaki comes a few days later

  • Truman Sets Up Committee on Civil Rights

  • Marshall Aid

  • Truman announces aid to Greet and Turkey, general war on Communism, Truman Doctrine

  • Federal Employee Loyalty Program

  • Fair Deal Reform - Raised Min. Wage + Social Security for Unemployed

  • Displaced Persons Act

  • Berlin Blockade Begins

  • Period: to

    Berlin Blockade

  • Operation Vittles (Airlifting into Berlin) Begins

  • Nato Created

  • Berlin Blockade Ends

  • Period: to

    North Korean Offensive

  • UN (mainly US) troops land in Inchon, Korea

  • Period: to

    UN Offensive

  • Period: to

    Chinese Offensive

  • First Levittown Complete

  • Period: to

    Stalemate in Korea

  • Truman Stops Being President

  • DMZ Created in Korea, War Ends