Mao zedong
Mao was a communist revolutionary founding father of the republic of china. He joined the revolutionary army. He fought against Qing Dynasty. He wanted to industrialize china calling it "THE GREAT LEAP FOWARD". -
Gandhi was a civil rights leaders. He was known for organizing non-violence civil rights protest. he was a leader of India. He fought for Indian repentance. He married at 13. He was shot and killed in a crowd. -
Ho Chi Minh
He was a Vietnamese communist. He was also a revolutionary leader. He was a Dominican republic and president for Vietnam. Ho sent a message to different countries saying that “nothing is as dear to the heart of the Vietnamese as independence and liberation.” This became one of the North Vietnamese motto. -
United Nations
This event was an association for independent countries. They agreed to work together to prevent and end wars. Members of the UN were supposed to cooperate and resolve and rely on forces. The membership grew to 193 countries since 2011. -
truman doctrine
The Truman doctrine arose from a speech delivered by president Truman before a joint session of congress on march 12, 1947. the announcement was made by the British government said that they would no longer provide military and economic assistants to the greek goverment in its civil war against the Greek communist party. -
The apartheid was the system of racial inequality, segregation and discrimination of south Africa that was started after world war II. It was enforced by the laws of the south African nationalists party. It cut the many laws of black people so they wouldn't be equal as the others. -
This is an alliance of countries from north america and Europe committed to fulfilling the goals of the North Atlantic treaty signed. It means North Atlantic Treaty Organization. NATO was the first peacetime military alliance the USA entered into the western Hemisphere. -
Pan arabism
This is the concept that Arabs form one nation and should be politically united in one Arab state. Its roots lay in the linguistic unity of elite culture across the Arabian speaking world. This united Egypt and Syria. Iraq espouses pan-arasism. -
cuban revolution
Fidel Castro united a rebel force with plans to overthrow the cuban dictator. The revolution was a armed revolt led by Fidel. The dictator was replaced by Fidel. -
Vietnam war
This was a fight between communist North Vietnam and the government of southern Vietnam. We helped the south and lost. It lasted for 20 years. Vietnamese wanted freedom for their country but everyone said the French owned it. -
This event was one of the soviet unions space launches. This was the worlds first artificial satellite. Sputnik had a diameter of 22 inches and weighed 184 pounds and circled earth once every hour and 36 minutes. -
Nikita Khurshchey
This man was a politician who led the soviet union during part of the cold war.He served as First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. He was a Chairman of the Council of Ministers. Khrushchev was responsible for the de-Stalinization of the Soviet union. -
Cuban missile Crisis
During the Cuban Missile Crisis, leaders of the U.S. and the Soviet Union engaged in a 13-day political and military standoff in October 1962 over the installation of nuclear-armed Soviet missiles on Cuba, just 90 miles from U.S. shores. In a TV address on October 22, 1962, President John Kennedy notified Americans about the presence of the missiles. -
Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries is an organization of 13 nations founded in 1960. Oil has had many benefits and in our world in many important ways. OPEC member countries monitor the market and decide to raise or lower oil production to maintain stable prices and supply. -
bay of pigs
The USA sent trained Cuban exiled people to go take over Fidel Castro's government. The invasion was part of the cold war. The USA only did that to prevent Communism from taking over half of America. The event was all planned by President Kennedy. They were going to try to join forces then quickly take over. -
Gary Powers
He was a U-2 pilot. His U-2 plane was hit by a soviet barrier. -
SALT I began in Finland established by president Nixon. It means strategic arms limitations talk. They wanted to gain control over the ABM race. -
Islamic revolution
It transformed Iran from an autocratic to an Islamic government. The revolution turned Iranian society upside down and became one of the defining moments of the 20 century. -
salt II was a treaty equality between the 2 nations in terms of nuclear weapons delivery system. This treaty limited the number of MIRV missiles. But the soviets launched an invasion on Afghanistan, effectively killing any chance for it to be passed. -
space race
A 20th century competition between two cold war rivals. space competition served as another dramatic scene for the cold war event. The U.S launched its own satellite designed by the U.S army.