Trojan war

Trojan War

  • 1194 BCE

    Judgement of Paris

    Judgement of Paris
    The Prince of Troy has to judge the beauty of the Gods. In the aftermath of this, he abducts Helen of Sparta taking her for a wife.
  • 1194 BCE

    Menalus declares war on Troy

    Once Menalus discovers that his wife his gone he declares war against the Kingdon of Troy. He is able to round together all the Greek Heroes against Troy.
  • Period: 1194 BCE to 1183 BCE

    9 Years of Stalemate

    For the majority of the war, the Greeks spend time-fighting Troy's allies and winning the favor of the gods. When they finally arrive at Troy they find themselves at a stalemate.
  • 1193 BCE

    Greek Heroes Are Rounded Up

    Many of the Greek Heroes are unwilling to fight. Both Odysseus and Achilles both try to avoid going to war, but their efforts are unawarded.
  • 1184 BCE

    Apollo Sends Plague Against Greeks

    After earning the scorn of the Gods Apollo sends a plague. Over a period of 10 days, many Greek soldiers were killed.
  • 1184 BCE

    Paris and Menacles Duel

    In order to try and bring a quick end to the war, it was agreed that Paris and Menacles should duel. The duel was unfinished as the Gods started to get involved.
  • 1184 BCE

    The God's get involved

    As the fighting intensifies God's draw battle lines. While different gods are helping both sides it is eventually the Greeks that are forced to retreat.
  • 1184 BCE

    Achilles and Hector Both Fall

    Achilles and Hector Both Fall
    In the heat of the battle, the Trojan hero Hector is killed by Achilles who draged him behind his chariot. Achilles is then shot with an arrow in his heel, which is the only spot that could kill him.
  • 1184 BCE

    Odysseus Creates The Trojan Horse

    From a vision of wisdom gifted by Athena, Odysseus creates a wooden horse than can hold soldiers inside. They use this to get past the walls of Troy.
  • 1184 BCE

    Greeks Raze City of Troy, Ending War

    Greeks Raze City of Troy, Ending War
    After the Trojans take the wooden horse inside, the Greeks come out slaughtering the inhabitants of Troy. Menacules takes Paris back as his wife, ending the long bloody conflict.