(2) March 25, 4:43pm
Someone supposedly tossed a cigarette ash into a waste basket full of highly flammable material, and that is maybe what started the fire. -
(1) March 25th, 4:40pm
"The cutters had finished their work. With five minutes to go, they stood around, talking until quitting bell rang." They started smoking cigarettes -
(4) March 25th, 4:47pm
Firefighters show up to the scene -
(6) March 25th, 4:56pm
Firefighters arrived at the stairway -
(9)March 25th, 5:15pm
The firefighters finally got the fire under control, it took them 35 minutes. -
(2) March 25th, 4:45pm
Someone pulled the fire alarm -
(5) March 25th, 4:54pm
Engine Company 72 and Hook and Ladder Company 20 arrived. -
(7) March 25th, 4:57
People started jumping from the ninth floor. -
(8) March 25th, 5:11pm
People that worked on the 10th floor made it to the roof, and were saved by the Triangle Factory's neighbors, the New York University Building.