Trey's Famous Dead Guy Project

  • 400

    Aristotle- 400BC

    He believed that everything was made from earth, water, fire and air.
  • 400


    He didnt have a experriment. He said the atomic theory and was first person think of the atom.
  • Oct 7, 600

    Thales of Miletus- 600BC

    He said the Cosomological Thesiand he was the first philosopher.
  • Issac Newton- 1670

    He had the first physical experiment and he made gravity, laws of motion and light spectrum.
  • John Dalton-1807

    He came up with many theorys about matter and atoms.
  • JJ Thompson-1887

    He discovered the electron did the Plum Fudding Model and the Cathade Fay Tube
  • Antoine Henri Becquerel-1896

    He had the Uranium Experiment and he discorvered radioactivity.
  • Robert Millikan-1909

    He did the Oil Drop Experiment and determined the mass and charge of an electron.
  • Rutherford-1911

    He did the Gold Foil Experiment, he dicovered the nucleus. Also dicovered the proton.
  • Neils Bohr- 1913

    He believed that electrons traveled in paths.
  • Francis Aston-1919

    Mass- Spectrograph Experiment was what he was known for and for dicovering diffrent isotopes.
  • Erwin Schrodinger-1926

    He did the Schrodingers Model and he predicted where the electron would be at.