Malcom X
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRSgUTWffMQ&nohtml5=False He was a radical man who wanted to fight back against the whites. His views were such that he wanted to be able to defened himself in any cirrcumstance. He was a big reason for the Race riots. -
Brown V. Board of Education
Court case about segregated school. The result was the mass desegration of all schools. This however didn''t really take hold till over a decade later. -
Medgar Evers and Voting in Mississippi
A NAACP lawyer whos mainly focoused on mississippi. He was one of the big organizers of civil rights movements in mississippi. He was eventually assassinated in mississippi for his work. -
Emmit Till
Teen from chicago on vacation to Mississippi to see family. He made comments to a married white woman and was kidnapped and murdered. His killer were found not guilty. -
Montgomery bus boycott
A Movement started by Rosa Parks to desegregate the busses. She refused to give up her seat to a white man and was arrested for disordly conduct. This stared a boy cot that nearly every African American took part in. -
Little Rock Nine
The little rock nine was a group of African Americans that were going to be the first to attend a white high school. They were threated and bullied for the whole time. The president called in the National gaurd to protect them. -
Nashville Sit-ins
Groups of black students in Nashville decided to protest the unfair segregation of public buildings. The way they protested was through sit-ins where they would go in the white section of a restruant or place and they would refuse to leave. A lot of times the students would be arrested and more would take their place. -
Birmingham campaign
This protest lasted for months and brought forth fire hoses and police dogs to be used on men, women, and children alike. From this came some of the iconic images for the civil rights movements. This was the beginning of the end of the civil rights movment. -
March on Washington
March on washington by protestors for the civil rights. This event was led by Martin Luthur King Jr. and was one of the largest march of the movment. This event led up to the I have a dream Speech. -
I have a dream speech
This was a very powerful speech given by the leader of the Civil Rights movement, MLK Jr., to America. This speech has been stated to be one of the most important speeches in american history. This was a very big turning point in the movement. -
Civil Rights Act
This outlawed Discrimination by race, sex, religion, national origin, or color. It ended unequal application of voter registration requirements and racial segregation in schools, at the workplace and by facilities that served the general public. Powers to enforce this act started off weak but eventually grew inito what we have today. -
Stokely Carmichael
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKP5_qyGs8c&nohtml5=False He popularized the term black power as a we to rally the african americans to stand with pride. This provoked many riots were people were killed. MLK tried to stop Stokley from using the Term but he didn't listen. -
Black panthers
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLzIsJqxC5I&nohtml5=False Political party made in 1966 by african americans to futher voice their opinions. It pushed for armed black citizens to help stop police brutality. The FBI had even tried to discredit and ruin the party. -
Detroit Race Riots
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2_VX2nymRs&nohtml5=False After police arrested 80 people protesters gather and started throwing rocks. The riots did not claim a victim until monday morning. 4000 national gaurd troops were sent in,. -
Martin Luthur King Jr. Assinated
<a href='https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmOBbxgxKvo' Although MLK was a know peaceful protester his accusers still murdered him. This was the ultimate case of how the violent response from whites to the peaceful protests of the African-Americans was way out of line. This was a sad day in american history.