"The Age of Reason"
This book, written by Thomas Paine, introduced the idea that churches had a negative effect on those who attended. The leaders of the Transcendental era supposrted their cause with that idea. -
"Nature" - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Ralph Waldo Emerson's, "Nature", became the breakthrough of the major cultural movement, Transcendentalism. This essay suggested the idea of having a deeper 'relationship' with earth and moving away from certain ways of life such as religion, which he believed gave people a false idea and the world -
Transcendental Club
Founded in Cambridge, MA, the Transcendental Club consisted of many famous supporters including George Putnam, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Frederick Henry Hedge. They often published articles in their journal "The Dial" -
"American Scholar"
Emerson delivered a speech supporting another idea of the Transcendentalism movement. He wanted American writers and artists to not be influenced so much by Europe, and to create their own literary and artitist traditions. -
"The Dial"
Created by the Transcendental Club, it was a magazine used as a way to get their thoughts out to the public. It remained running until 1844. -
"The Transcendentalist"
Another essay written by Ralph Waldo Emerson. It didn't only describe what Transcendentalism was, but also what it wasn't. For example, in the essay he tells the reader that there was no Transcendental Party or Religion -
Magaret Fuller's "Conversations"
These seminars were held in Boston and attended by women who wanted to become part of the movement. They began in 1839 and ended around 1844 -
"The Blithedale Romance"
Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote this novel to criticize the movement. It gave people a different perspective of looking at the movement. -
Conslusion Paragraph
Transcendentalism was a movement away from churches and other forms of worship. The leaders of the movement believed that those types of large organizations distorted the peace between people and earth. They suggested that we should become closer for the earth because that is what we came from to come into existence. Most of the Propaganda used to gain supporters was essays, books, and magazines. On the contrary, there were those who wrote papers against the movement. For example, Nathaniel Hawt