The start
It started with low levels in the ocean acidity levels -
The industrial revolution
A lot of factories where made and they where constantly producing co2 by burning fossil fuels like coal and oil in the air and causing more of a greenhouse effect -
Co2 going into the ocean
The co2 could not stay in the sky so it has to fall into the ocean causing acidification -
pH levels rising in the ocean
All the co2 in the ocean is causing the pH levels to rise and it is warming the ocean -
The Paris agreement
Paris made a agreement that we are gonna help save the ocean and stop the rise of ocean ascidifaction -
coyotes in the city
This relates to coyotes in the city by showing a different perspective of the issues humans are causing like the coyotes we are taking there land and reasoureses away from them just like the ocean as us humans are killing the ocean and all the animals in it and we need to change this bad trend that is happening everywhere -
The future
We can not predict what is happing in the future but we can make estimates like the levels are sill going to rise but hopefully less and that we can fix this issue