trends in the ocean

  • introduction: abiotic factors

    introduction: abiotic factors
    The ocean makes up 71 percent of the Earth's surface so it is important that we keep the ocean healthy. Abiotic factos are non living facotrs that afffect ecosystems. For example, carbon dioxide is factor that affects the pH level in the ocean. The lowing of pH levels affect the sealife in the ocean.
  • burning fossil fuel

    burning fossil fuel
    Burning fossil fuel started to become more prominate during the 1880s due to the Industrial Revolution; however by 1961, fossil fuel has become the mahor fuel to generate electricity in the United States. When fossil fuel is being burned, carbon dioxide is being released into the atmosphere and getting trapped under. This causes global warming and why our ocean pH level is decreasing.
  • increased carbon dioxide

    increased carbon dioxide
    Due to the burning of fossil fuel, the ocean is getting warmer because the ocean is absorbing the carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide gets into the water and creates carbonic acid. The process takes away the carbonate ions needed to make shells for organisms. This leads for the shells to become weak.
  • dissolved carbon dioxide decreasing the pH of the ocean causing acidification

    dissolved carbon dioxide decreasing the pH of the ocean causing acidification
    Dissolved carbon dioxide decreases the pH in the ocean results to ocean acidification. There is an excess of carbon dioxide in the air which is being absorbed. This creates an increase of hydrogen that decreases pH. With that, the lower the pH the more acidic; therefore, carbon dioxide causes acidification.
  • ocean acidification damages coral and other calcifies

    ocean acidification damages coral and other calcifies
    Ocean acidification damages coral and other calcifies , weakening their growth, and causing them to die. Ocean acidification causes the ocean to get warmer due to carbon dioxide. Coral is sensitive temperature changes which can cause it to die. As stated before, carbonate combines with calcium and it takes all of the carbonate ions needed to make the calcifiers. This causes the shells to be weak.
  • summary: coyotes in the city

    summary: coyotes in the city
    Even though the ocean is far from the desert, the carbon dioxide will still affect the coyotes. Carbon dioxide is causing the Earth to get warmer which makes water hard to find. Coyotes are going into the city due to the limited water resources. Their lives are being thrown out of unbalanced and ultimately causes them to go into the city. Similarly, the ocean is experiencing the same thing as carbon dioxide is affecting the pH that affects the sea life.