Period: to
On the Watch
I'm on guard 3.15-5.15 and then another half hour 10.15-10.45. After being relieved went with another chap and had a couple of boiled eggs and coffee then got kit together and went with George for a tass[e] de café. Paraded at 4.45 moved to trenches at 5pm. Got told off with 6 others including George for delving trench, had to go through sewer. Got jolly wet as usual. -
Close Call
Went for shot to our trenches at rear nothing particular doing. One of our chaps hit by sniper, the bullet just grazed the top of his head. He was quite a lucky guy. -
Don't Know What to do
Very wet. Germans did a little shelling some falling very close to us. Staying strong and proud for our country. Not going to let the Fitz's scare us away. -
Still Holding Hope
Raining hard. Everything in a very bad state. Had card from Mrs Nicholls the other day. I sent card to Mrs Nicholls today. Sergeant Wilson killed while sniping at flashes of the rifles of enemy snipers. Shot through the head. Dugout progressing favourably. -
Non-stop rain
Poured with rain all day and night. Water rose steadily till knee deep when we had the order to retire to our trenches. Dropped blanket and fur coat in the water. Slipped down as getting up on parapet, got soaked up to my waist. Went sand-bag filling and then sewer guard for 2 hours. Had no dug out to sleep in, so had to chop and change about. Roache shot while getting water and Tibbs shot while going to his aid. Both got shot and passed away soon after. -
First Shelling Attack
Very wet day. Captain Shattock shot through the eye, passed away 2 hours later. Went on wood fatigue at night, had to wait 1 hour and then had to make two journeys. Very muddy, got back just in time, got guard 9.50. One or two aeroplanes passed over which we fired at, the shots going very near. The planes shot down at us. Luckily we only lost one of our men who I had not aquatinted myself with. -
Going Crazy
We are all starving. Have not had food supply since the shelling. Many of us are going crazy wondering how much longer we will be able to handle being here. It has only been days, but it feels like months. -
Quiet Days
It has been a quite couple days. We have had a few more shellings since the last and lost a few men. The days seem to be getting longer and we all wonder how much time we have left here. The rats have eaten whatever rest we had left of our food. We have lost men who have gone out of the trenches in desperate hope to find something. -
6 word story
Please get me out of here. -
Last Day
Rifleman William Eve- died in a shelling by the Germans on January 21, 1915. He was killed while trying to save his friend who had been wounded and could not make it to the trenches.