Starting at the Sun
This time line is to show how long it would take to travel form the Sun to Neptune passing by all the planets if you started today. -
Mercury 36,000,000 miles from the sun
This is calculated on a space craft traveling 1000 mph through the solar system 36,000,000 miles / 1000 mph = 36,000 hours / 24h = 1,500 days / 365 aprox 4years -
Venus 67 million miles from sun
67 million - 36 milllion = 31,000,000 / 1000 mph = 31,000 miles / 24 = 1291 days / 365 aprox 4 years -
Earth 92,000,000
92 million - 67 million = 25,000,000 / 1000 mph = 25,000 miles / 24h = 1041 days / 365 aprox 3 yrs -
Mars 141 million miles
141-92 = 49,000,000 / 1000mph = 49,000 / 24 = 2041 / 365 = aprox 6 yrs -
Jupiter 483 million miles away
483 - 141 = 342,000,000 / 1000 = 342,000 / 24 = 14250 / 365 = 39 yrs -
Saturn 888,000,000 Miles from the Sun
888 million - 483 million = 405,000,000 / 1000 mph = 405,000 / 24 = 16875 / 365 = 46 yrs -
Uranus 2,000,000,000 miles from the Sun
2,000,000,000 - 888,000,000 = 1,112,000,000 / 1000mph = 1,112,000 hrs / 24 = 46333 / 365 = 127 yrs -
Neptune 3,000,000,000 Miles from the Sun
3,000,000,000 - 2,000,000,000 = 1,000,000,000 / 1000 mph = 1,000,000 / 24 hpd = 41666/365 dpy = 114 yrs