Treaty Of Versaille

  • World War 1 Begins

    World War 1 Begins
    After the assasination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary, war was declared on Serbia, officialy starting World War 1
  • The Ottoman Empire Enter The War

    The Ottoman Empire Enter The War
    On Aug 2nd, a secret treaty was concluded between the Ottomans and the German Empire, bringing the Ottomans into the war.
  • Period: to

    The Battle Of Verdun

    One of the most violent and lengthy battles of the war, the Battle Of Verdun lasted for nearly a year.
  • T.E Lawrence fights against the Ottomans

    T.E Lawrence fights against the Ottomans
    T.E Lawrence, also known as The Lawrence Of Arabia, is sent on a mission to the Middle East. While there, he fights along with Arabian rebels looking for independence
  • Period: to

    The Battle Of Somme

    One of the most bloodiest battles of the war, The Battle Of Somme is considered the largest battle on the western front of the war.
  • The British Mark V Tank is first used.

    The British Mark V Tank is first used.
    The British Mark V Tank, also known as the Great Battle Tank or Landship, changed the front of WW1 and all wars to come.
  • Russia drops out of the war

    Russia drops out of the war
    After revolution sparks in Russia, they cannot continue to fight in WW1.
  • The Treaty Of Versaille is signed

    The Treaty Of Versaille is signed
    After years of grueling combat, The Treaty Of Versaille ends World War 1. Germany was not happy with this treaty, because it was highly in the Allies favor.
  • The League Of Nations is formed

    The League Of Nations is formed
    On the same day of The Treaty Of Versaille, the Allies form The League Of Nations to prevent further wars.
  • Adolf Hitler rises to power

    Adolf Hitler rises to power
    Adolf Hitler of the Nazi Party becomes Chacnellor of Germany. Hitler promises to free Germany of The Treaty Of Versaille and make it a better country.