Treaty of paris

  • Treaty of paris

    Treaty of paris
    The treaty document was signed in Paris at the Hotel d'York (presently 56 Rue Jacob), by John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and John Jay (representing the United States), and David Hartley (a member of the British Parliament representing the British monarch, King George III).[4] Benjamin Franklin was a strong proponent of Britain ceding the Province of Quebec (today's eastern Canada) to the United States because he believed that having British territory physically bordering American territory would
  • Period: to

    Treaty of paris

  • Proclamation

    a public or official announcement, esp. one dealing with a matter of great importance.
  • Sugar act

    It is April 5th, 1764, and you have encountered your first challenge. The british have passed something called The Sugar Act.
  • Stamp act

    This act requires that all newspapers, pamphlets, and other public or legal documents have a stamp, or British seal on them. AND...the stamps cost MONEY!
  • Quartering act

  • Declaratory Act

  • Boston Massarce

    OH NO! 5 American colonists have been shot by British troops today, March 5, 1770. Later, this historic event will be called The Boston Massacre.
  • Tea Act

  • Boston tea party

    You are so angry with the British Parliament. Agroup forms called the "Sons of Liberty" to take action. They invite you in and you all make a plan together.
  • Intoreable act

  • FIrst constitutial congress

  • paul revere and willam dawes ride

    On April 18, 1775, you meet Paul Revere as he he rides throughout the country. He tells you that the British are coming. It is a brief meeting because he must ride on to warn others.
  • townshed act

  • declaration of independence

  • end of treaty of paris