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Treaty 1 signing Canada

  • Negotiations start

    Negotiations start
    The treaty was established between Canadian officials and these Indigenous communities as both groups desired the security of land and resources.
  • Period: to

    Treaty 1 negotiations to signing

  • Aggressive negotiation

    Aggressive negotiation
    On the second day of negotiation the disagreements started each party wanted different terms and since they were in such disagreement they started being hostile but eventually worked it out.
  • Period: to

    Aggressive negotiation span

    As expected not everything went smoothly, the settlers and the Indigenous peoples started arguing on the second day of negotiation. The settlers wanted all of the land while the Indigenous people wanted to live in harmony and not sign off the land to the settlers.
  • Signing of treaty 1 Canada

    Signing of treaty 1 Canada
    After long and vigorous negotiation the treaty was finally signed after both parties agreed on the terms of the treaty.
  • The ratification of treaty 1

    The ratification of treaty 1
    The Governor General in Council formally ratified the treaty on 12 September 1871. Each band was to receive a reserve large enough to provide 160 acres for each family of five (or in like proportion for smaller or larger families).