Treatment of diabetes in canada

  • Pre-insulin (pre 1920s)

    Before it was discovered people with diabetes did not live long. Doctors couldn't help people with diabetes
  • Pre-insulin treatment.(Pre 1920s)

    Pre-insulin treatment.(Pre 1920s)
    The treatment before diabetes were strict diets with minimal carbohydrates .The diets could only help patients live a few years longer .Extreme diets were given of only 450 calories a day. The patients died of starvation sometimes due to the harsh diets
  • First looks at causes of diabetes

    First looks at causes of diabetes
    In 1889 two german scientists Oskar Minkowski and Joseph von Mering took the pancreas out of a dog and found that they developed similar symptoms to diabetes.The idea of where insulin was produced came from this experiment
  • Insulin research

    Insulin research
    On October 31st,1920 Fredric Banting wrote down quote “ Diabetus
    Ligate pancreatic ducts of dog. Keep dogs alive till acini degenerate leaving Islets.
    Try to isolate the internal secretion of these to relieve glycosuria.” This was his idea for researching the pancreas.
  • First insulin tests

    First insulin tests
    Dr Banting tested the insulin on another dog with severe diabetes and kept it alive for 70 days only for it to pass away when they ran out.
  • Removing insulin

    Removing insulin
    In 1921 a surgeon named Frederick Banting with his assistant Charles Best found a way to remove insulin from the dog’s pancreas. The people they worked with didn't think that this “brown muddy liquid” but later it would save millions of peoples lives.
  • Pure insulin

    Pure insulin
    After these findings researchers made a more pure and clear insulin from the pancreas of cattle
  • Discovery of Insulin

    Discovery of Insulin
    Insulin was discovered in the 20th century in 1921 by Dr Fredric Banting
  • Beginning of the production of insulin

    Beginning of the production of insulin
    Quickly following the medical firm Eli Lilly started largely producing insulin
  • Human testing begins

    Human testing begins
    In the month of january in 1922 the medical group in Toronto made the decision that it would begin testing pancreatic extracts from humans.
  • First use

    First use
    On january 1922, a young kid named Leonard Thompson who was dying from diabetes at 14 years old,had been administered the first injection of insulin in a Toronto hospital
  • Success!

    In 1923 Fredric Banting and his partner John MacLeod received the Nobel prize for one of the most important and controversial discoveries in modern medical history.