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Treasure island book

8A/Clarence ~ Independent Reading #2 "Treasure Island" by Robert Louis Stevenson

By 2505402
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    Chapter 1

    Chapter 1
    Jim is sat in his Bar with his family when he meets a stranger. He got used to the man eventually nicknaming him "Captain".
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    Chapter 2

    Chapter 2
    As Jim's father gets sick, they hire a doctor. The doctor then is greeted rudely by the captain and surprisingly reveals that he is also a County Officer.
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    Chapter 3

    Chapter 3
    Several days later, a stranger enters their bar, supposedly an old friend of the captain, Bill. He and the captain meet face to face clashing suddenly in the bar. The stranger, Black Dog, leaves the bar injured and bloody. The captain is left in the bar with a stroke.
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    Chapter 4

    Chapter 4
    Yet another strange man enters their Bar, a blind man. Jim then finds out that it is no ordinary blind man but a pirate! He threatens Jim to guide him to the captain.The blind man then threatens the captain that he would attack looking for "the treasure" at night.
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    Chapter 5

    Chapter 5
    At that same night, Jim's father passes away. They then go to the nearest village fully well knowing that their Bar would get attacked that night, and it did. Their bar was trashed and pirates had broken in looking for a treasure map. The captain then died due to a stroke the next morning.
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    Chapter 6

    Chapter 6
    When Jim reports the news to the County Officer, they then realize that they need to find the treasure before the pirates. They then set up a crew to find the treasure in the island. With the map in hand, Jim and the crew set sail to Treasure island.
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    Chapter 7

    Chapter 7
    Whilst on the way to the island, the crew were very aggressive, all except for Silver. he was very kind to Jim until one afternoon Jim overhears Silver plotting a plan with other crewmates; to steal the treasure.
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    Chapter 8

    Chapter 8
    Jim then reports the plan to the Doctor/County Officer. Once they arrive on the island, Jim escaped going to the forest of the island knowing that war would break down. Jim then finds a man inside the island, who was left by his crew 3 years ago.
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    Chapter 9

    Chapter 9
    Jim follows the man to his house. The man informs Jim that he has hidden a boat behind a white rock in the island. Whilst talking, the sounds of cannons are echoing throughout the island. The fighting has begun!
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    Chapter 10

    Chapter 10
    Several hours later, the island grows quite. The doctor and the captain then finds the house and meet up with Jim. They then explain to Jim what had happened. Jim was correct! Silver betrayed them! The captain and doctor and their crew then take a rest inside the cabin from the battle.
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    Chapter 11

    Chapter 11
    Whilst asleep, they are ambushed and pirates are trying to attack them. However, Jim hears their attack and wakes up the Doctor. They then kill 5 of the pirates that attacked. However, 2 of their allies also die from battle.
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    Chapter 12

    Chapter 12
    Jim and Doctor and the captain survived! They then celebrate that night. However, Jim had a plan. He planned to cut the anchor of the ship where the rest of the enemies had set up camp. He snuck out and used the boat on the island to cut the rope. The ship was now at sea, floating.
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    Chapter 13

    Chapter 13
    Several days after Jim cut the ship's anchor, he was also stuck on the sea. He had nothing that could save him. All he had to do was wait for the tide to push him back to the island. Jim was gonna die, unless he entered the ship and set sail. Jim assumed that the pirates within the ship had been dead due to the ship floating at sea for so long.
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    Chapter 14

    Chapter 14
    As Jim enters the ship, he is greeted by dead pirates. He finds the steerer of the ship and decides to make a deal with him. Allow the steerer to survive and he would help Jim.
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    Chapter 15

    Chapter 15
    As Jim steers the ship to the island, he is greeted by Silver. Jim is held hostage and is forced to help him retrieve the treasure. When they finally arrive on the treasure suddenly, Silver's men were shot and Silver was caught. As they finished digging the treasure, they were surprised to find so very little amount of treasure.
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    Chapter 16

    Chapter 16
    When Jim and his crew arrive back home, Silver escapes and is nowhere to be found. they split the gold and all live their happy lives. Jim will never come back to the accursed island ever again.