Traverse city

Traverse City Timeline

  • How Traverse City got it's name

    How Traverse City got it's name
    18th century French Voyagers named the Bays "La Grande Traverse" or "the long crossing."
  • First Permanent Settlement

    First Permanent Settlement
    Rev. Peter Dougherty was the first Frenchmen to settle on Old Mission Peninsula.
  • Boardman Land Purchase

    Boardman Land Purchase
    Captain Boardman purchased land at the mouth of the river, and built a dwelling and a sawmill.
  • Boardman Land Sale

    Boardman Land Sale
    Boardman sold sawmill to Perry Hannah, Albert Tracy Lay and James Morgan. They improved the mill, which attracted investors and more settlers to the area.
  • First Post Office

    First Post Office
    Albert Tracy Lay was able to establish a US postal service in "Grand Traverse City."
  • First Cherry Trees planted

    First Cherry Trees planted
    First Cherry Trees were planted on the Old Mission Peninsula.
  • Railroad

    Rail service started in Traverse City opening up the area to industrialization. The railroad ran from Traverse City to Chicago.
  • Park Place

    Park Place
    Park Place hotel was built.
  • First High School

    First High School
    First Traverse City high school was built.
  • Hannah Lay General Story

    Hannah Lay General Story
    The general store was established on Front and Union. First to have electricity in town.