Nov 20, 1552
The Start
We are leaving for sea today. Hopefully it's worth the gold. I kown it will be tough. There are plans to stop at 10 places but who knows if we will. The hope is to deliver good on board. -
Dec 7, 1552
First stop
It's our first port. We are already running low on supplize. And already have 3 death. Scearvy hase already set in on some. Food I fear wil be short. Water is smelly too. -
Feb 27, 1553
13 people have died scence my last entry. The main culprite is scervy it kill 10 of them. The captins however seam to show no sign of it. Owr food rations were also shortened. -
Apr 1, 1553
We have finaly stop for food in a Egyptian port near Alexsa. I feard if we didn't get food soonthe crew would rebell . Another positive is we now have fresh water. The locals however are not to happy. -
Jul 3, 1553
Another stop
We had to make an emergence stop today. The reason was one of the three boats hade a hole in it. Sadly there does not seem to be any sign of fresh water around. And food scervy is still a problem. -
Dec 3, 1553
We are stuck. We have become surounded by ice. The crew is very angry i fear they my mutiny. And were out of buiscets. When we got stuck we were going down south near New Zeland. -
Mar 3, 1554
Back in December a lot of holes werer created in the ships. The capin already wants to leave and the ships aren't ready. The crew is pretty happy though being in bars in this port in India. -
Apr 15, 1554
The holes came unsealed. This time we lost some merchendice. The captin rushed the repairs and he regrets it now. The crew is very angry considering how close we are. The one good thing is we can restoc because we didnt last time . But this time this port is smaller. -
Oct 5, 1554
We're almost there. One last stop then we have made it. I think this is the moast happy moment in my life. The crew is histarical. Everybody go increast rations. -
Nov 1, 1554
Made it
We made it before the first ice. we're finaly in china. The crew, captain, and myself are all happy. We made it with almost all the good. This journy is finaly over.