transportation revolution

By bjh2965
  • 19

    3500 B.C: Horses

    3500 B.C: Horses
    Horses were trained and used for transportation
  • 180

    1807: Hydrogen gas

    1807: Hydrogen gas
    The internal combustion engine was invented by Isaac de Rivas. The engine was powered by hydrogen gas.
  • Jan 1, 1492

    2500 B.C.

    2500 B.C.
    The first paved road came into existence. It was constructed during the Indus valley civilization
  • 312 B.C: Cunstruction of the Apien

    312 B.C: Cunstruction of the Apien
    Construction of the Apian Way. The Apian Way is one of the first constructed paved roads.
  • 1672:First car

    1672:First car
    Ferdinand Verbiest built the first car to be powered by steam.
  • 1740: Clockwork carriage

    1740: Clockwork carriage
    A clockwork powered carriage was invented by Jacques de Vaucanson.
  • 1801-Steam power car

    1801-Steam power car
    A steam powered car developed by Britain was invented.
  • 1814: steam powerd railway

    1814: steam powerd railway
    The first steam powered railway locomotive was built by George Stephenson.
  • 1816: bicycle

    1816: bicycle
    The German, Baron Karl Von Drais invented the bicycle. The bicycle was invented to help him in tax collection.
  • 1832: crude electirc

    1832: crude electirc
    The crude electric powered carriage was invented by Robert Anderson.
  • 1858: powerd by coal-gas

    1858: powerd by coal-gas
    1858- The first engine to be powered by coal-gas was invented.
  • 1862: Gasoline egine

    1862: Gasoline egine
    The first gasoline engine automobile was created.
  • 1863:Combustion

    • The invention of a carriage that was powered with the internal combustion engine.
  • 1865: Speed limits

    1865: Speed limits
    New speed limits were introduced by the UK.
  • 1662: First bus

    1662: First bus
    The invention of the first bus to be drawn by horse. This was built by Blaise Pascal.
  • Transportation evolution