1925 Rolls Royce Phantom
This was one of the biggest Rolls Royce Phantoms mad because it had circular doors instead of the doors that we have now. -
1929 Rolls Royce Phantom
This was one of the first convertibles. Then it had the spare tire right there at the door. and then they had a back windshield. -
1935 Rolls Royce Phantom
The newest looking version that had filled in rims instead of the open styled rims. -
1939 Rolls Royce Phantom
This was one of the first actual one windshield Rolls Royces. -
1943 Rolls Royce Phantom
Then this is one where they went back to the door having a spare tire on it. -
1947 Rolls Royce Phantom
This is when they gave the Rolls Royce a new look. -
1952 Rolls royce Phantom
This is when they covered thew back tires as a fender. -
1957 Rolls Royce Phantom
1962 Rolls Royce Phantom
This is the Rolls Royce where they had a new kind of rim styles. -
1965 Rolls Royce Phantom
This one looks just like the 1962 Rolls Royce Phantom but instead this one was kind of built like an SUV. -
1972 Rolls Royce Phantom
This is when they had the double headlights for one headlight instead of having wide headlights like the cars do now. The 1970s is when Rolls Royce had a challenging time. -
1979 Rolls Royce Phantom
The 1979 Rolls Royce Phantom was another part when they started dividing. -
1985 Rolls Royce Phantom
This is when Rolls Royce divided and became partners with Bentley. -
1995 Rolls Royce Phantom
This is when BMW stated buying Rolls Royce parts. -
2000's Rolls Royce Phantom
This when we started getting the Rolls Royce that we now know of -
2005 Rolls Royce Phantom
One of the Rolls Royce that looks like our current Rolls Royce. -
2010 Rolls Royce Phantom
This is one of the closer to our current Rolls Royce. -
2017 Rolls Royce Phantom
The current Rolls Royce