4000 BCE
4th Event of Transportation: 4,000 B.C.
Horses were first domesticated. -
3500 BCE
3rd Event of Transportation : 3,500 B.C
The first wheel was invented, being a big part of this timeline. -
3100 BCE
2nd Event of Transportation: 3,100 B.C.
The 1st sailing boat as a transportation was invented in the country of Egypt. -
2000 BCE
1st Event of Transportation: 2,000 o 3,000 B.C.
First, Camels were tame and kept as a pet or on a farm. -
12 BCE
5th Event of Transportation: 12th Century
The Compass was invented on this date. -
6th Event of Transportation : 1600
Transporting goods were carried by pack horses. -
7th Event of Transportation : 1783
The first hot air ballon and hydrogen ballon was invented. -
8th Event of Transportation : 1835
The first hansom cab was made in Hinckley. -
9th Event of Transportation : 1838
The first elevated railway in built in London. -
10th Event of Transportation : 1885
The first car is invented during this time.