
  • 4000 BCE

    Papyrus Boats in Egypt

    Papyrus Boats in Egypt
    Weaving papyrus stalks together created a water tight boat.
  • Period: 3500 BCE to 3200 BCE

    The Wheel

    The first wheel invented used for making pottery only used for transportaion closer to the end date of 3200 B.C.
  • 3000 BCE

    Wooden Boats with Sails in Egypt

  • 2600 BCE

    Sewn Boats

    Sewn Boats
    The slats of wood were sewn together by coconut fibers. this required drilling a hole in the planks and sewing them together with long strands of coconut fibers.
  • Period: 2500 BCE to 1000 BCE

    First Greek Galley Ships Appeared

  • 1500 BCE

    Queen Hatshepsut went on a expedition on a ship estimated to be 200ft long 80ft wide

  • 220 BCE

    First Junk Ships in China ~ 220 B.C. to 200 C.E.

    First Junk Ships in China ~ 220 B.C. to 200 C.E.
    used for carrying passengers and cargo. Sails are parallel to boat
  • 1 BCE

    Galilean Fishing Boats ~100 B.C. to 100 C.E.

    Galilean Fishing Boats ~100 B.C. to 100 C.E.
    Averaging 27ft long and 8ft wide these boats were common when Jesus was alive on earth. When Jesus calmed the sea he was on a Galilean fishing boat. (Mark 4:39).
  • 100

    Merchant Ships Common in the Meditaranian Sea

  • Probably the First Working Submarine

    Probably the First Working Submarine
    Invented by Cornelius Jacobszoon Drebbel. It didnt submerge fullly underwater, so was it actually a submarine? You decide.
  • The British Empire became the foretold seventh world power

    The British Empire became the foretold seventh world power
    Their strong naval force helped them to become the seventh world power, because it was the most powerful of its time.
    Pictured: HMS Defence circa 1763.
  • the fastest man powered bike

    the fastest man powered bike
    Aerovelo broke the record in 2016 for fastest human powered bicycle with a speed of 89.56 miles per hour.