Transition to the Modern World

  • Period: 1347 to

    Black Death

    The Black Death was a plague that spread from China along trade routes such as the Silk Road. Symptoms of the Black Death were similar to the flu. Yersinia Pestis is the name of the bacteria. The Black Death first got to Messina, Sicily, and became a pandemic. The Black Death is an important event because it led to the fall of the Feudal System, there were fewer serfs so they demanded a higher amount of money, and the Church was powerless to help so people started moving away from it. (mentally)
  • 1440

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    The printing press took the process of making books and cut the production time in half. Books became cheaper, which made more people buy them, which caused ideas and knowledge of people to spread faster and to more places. The printing press helped Luther's 95 Theses to spread to different parts of Europe and shared his thoughts about the Church with many people. The printing press was important because it allowed sharing large amounts of information quickly in huge numbers.
  • Period: 1451 to 1506

    Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus was an Italian explorer, navigator, and colonizer. He made 4 trips across the Atlantic Ocean from Spain. He tried finding a direct water route from Europe to Asia, but instead, he found the Americas. Christopher Columbus is important because he discovered America which brought European colonization there and that caused America to be what it is today.
  • 1512

    Creation of Adam

    Creation of Adam
    The Creation of Adam is a fresco painting was created by Michelangelo which forms part of the Sistine Chapel's ceiling. It has God on the right and Adam on the left. It shows God giving life to Adam, the first man. This painting is important because Michelangelo painted it on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel which is the official residence of the pope.
  • 1514

    The Moneylender and His Wife

    The Moneylender and His Wife
    The Moneylender and his Wife was created by Quentin Metsys. The painting is of a man and a woman sitting next to each other. The man is counting coins, jewelry, and gold, while the woman is trying to read a book with an illustration of the Virgin Mary but is distracted by the man. The painting has hidden messages such mysterious people in the background. The painting is important because it shows a theme that money can distract people from anything.
  • 1517

    Luther's 95 Theses

    Luther's 95 Theses
    Luther's 95 Theses were 95 arguments against the Church and against the selling of indulgences. Luther's 95 Theses was important because it started the process of Reformation and it was 1 monk who stood up against the most powerful institution in the world (at that time) and was not afraid to speak up and say his opinion.
  • Period: 1564 to

    William Shakespeare

    William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon Avon, England, and was an English poet, playwright, and actor who invented over 1700 words and phrases in the English language. He is known as the "Bard of Avon". William Shakespeare is important because he contributed to the English language and his plays showed a reflection on real-life situations such as death, love, etc.
  • Period: 1571 to

    Johannes Kepler

    Johannes Kepler was a German mathematician, astronomer, and astrologer. He's known for publishing the laws of Planetary Motion and proving that the heliocentric theory is correct. He's a key figure in the Scientific Revolution. Johannes Kepler is important because he discovered the 3 laws about planetary motion and proved that the sun is the center of the universe.
  • Galileo's telescope

    Galileo's telescope
    Galileo's telescope was an instrument used to view distant objects. It is named after Galileo who first constructed one in 1609. It is made out of a convergent lens, and its eyepiece. Using his telescope, Galileo discovered the "4 moons" that revolved around Jupiter, which meant that not everything revolves around the Earth. This was important because he used the telescope to proof the heliocentric theory which was the belief that the sun was the center of the universe.
  • Period: to

    Issac Newton Sr.

    Issac Newton was an English physicist and mathematician, who is most famous for the law of gravitation. He developed the principals of modern physics, including the laws of motion. He is considered to be one of the great minds of the Scientific Revolution. Issac Newton is important because he developed different theories that became the basis of physics and developed 3 laws of motion. He contributed to modern math and science.