Monroe Doctrine reflects special US interests in Americas
James Monroe releases a policy stating that Europe cannot colonize in Latin America and excersizes NIMBY. -
China and Britain clash in the Opium War
Britain cannot trade anything with the Chinese because they are so self sufficient. SO they begin to illegally import opium. The Chinese governemnt becomes angry and declares war only to lose massively because of outdated ships. -
Commodore Perry enters Tokyo Harbor
Commodore Perry, an American war hero comes into Tokyo Harbor with 3 steam ships and threatans and forces the Japanese ports to the U.S. -
US wins Spanish American War
The U.S. fights to free Cuba and other Spanish American colonies. They send in the Buffalo soldiers to fight for America. America emerges victorios because they attack on two fronts and the Spanish cannot fight. -
Mexican Revolution begins
The Mexican people had begun to hate the rule of caudilla Porfiro Diaz and begin to fight against him with the help of famous Mexicans such as Pancho Villa, Emiliano Zapata, and Madero. -
Panama Canal Opens
The U.S. exerts their power over Latin America and starts a revolution in Panama which then give them the land to begin building a massive canal which cuts off thousands of miles and dollars from the trip from east to west.