Queen Anns Revenge
[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queen_Anne%27s_Revenge] Owned By Edward Teach (Black Beard) -
Empress of China
[https://blog.oup.com/2012/02/empress-china-ship-trade-us-china/] The Empress of China is the first US ship to trade with China. -
Steam Boats
[https://prezi.com/2fpk895l5ncy/boats-in-the-1900s/] It did its first trial one on the date above.^ -
Uss Chesapeake
[https://news.usni.org/2013/04/23/twenty-six-us-navy-ship-naming-controversies] Used in the US navy -
The Diligente
[http://americanhistory.si.edu/onthewater/exhibition/1_2.html] The boat was used of slave trade before 1839 -
Arthur M Anderson
[http://www.boatnerd.com/pictures/fleet/ama.htm] The last ship to see the Edmund Fitzgerald -
MS Tûranor PlanetSola
[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T%C3%BBranor_PlanetSolar] This is the worlds largest solar powered boat