
By ntucci
  • 3000 BCE

    Used canoes & rafts to move from Arabia to India for trade

  • 2000 BCE

    Millet & Sorghum imported from East Africa

  • Period: 1500 BCE to 1000 BCE

    Islands west of New Guinea were visited and settled

  • 800 BCE

    Indian Ocean Trade Began

  • 600 BCE

    Religion was an important source of identity

  • Period: 600 BCE to 300 BCE

    Hinduism, Buddhism, & Jainism spread to Southeast Asia

  • Period: 600 BCE to 1450 BCE

    Indian Ocean Trade

  • Period: 541 BCE to 542 BCE

    Justinian Plague Outbreak (rats carried disease)

  • 500 BCE

    Greek & Romans entered the Indian Ocean to trade

  • 100 BCE

    Greeks bought Chinese silks in Mesopotamia

  • 100 BCE

    Introduced Camels to create trade caravans across dessert

  • 24 BCE

    Nabataens moved incenses from Arabia and spices from India to Medeterranean ports

  • 476

    Most of Roman civilization declined

  • 1400

    Swahili city states became world economic power

  • 1498

    Vasco da Gama sailed up eastern coast of Africa to trade