
  • First Tractor

    First Tractor
    The first ever tractor was released. Its was powered by a steam engine and was only really popular in the lumber yard moving trees.
  • Open Geared Tractors

    Open Geared Tractors
    First year for open geared tractors and this allowed them to turn sharper and have more maneuverability.
  • The Fordson Tractor

    The Fordson Tractor
    Henry Ford was one of the first to mass produce a tractor. He used the same techniques to mass produce tractors that he did to mass produce automobiles.
  • First Rubber Tire

    First Rubber Tire
    The first rubber tire was used on a tractor. Many farmers had a hard time believing that a rubber tire could do more than a steel wheel but it did.
  • More Tractors

    More Tractors
    For the first time in history tractors are outnumbering horses and mules on farms.
  • Roll Over Cab

    Roll Over Cab
    John Deere started mass producing roll over protection on all tractor models.
  • First Gas Powered Tractor

    First Gas Powered Tractor
    John Freolich invented the first gas powered tractor. This led to inspire John Deere to mass produce gas powered tractors which he is still famous for today.
  • GPS

    For the first time companies started putting GPSs on tractors.This later on plays a very big role on self driving tractors.
  • Case

    Case IH released the Autonomous Tractor. This tractor is self driving and can be controlled by a tablet or desktop computer.
  • Electronics

    Massey-Ferguson introduced the very first electronic management system. This would change agriculture forever.