TP3: 8.5-8(pg165-169)

By Ollie54
  • Congress Weak

    Pennsylvania war veterans marched 2 Philadelphia and made threats. The members of congress feed the area for Princeton College, New Jersey. Congress could advise, advocate, and appeal, but couldn’t command or control the states, act upon individual citizens, or protect itself.
  • West Florida

    West Florida is granted to the US in 1783
  • Spain Unfriendly

    Spain displayed unfriendly behavior to the US by controlling the mouth of the Mississippi river, since Tennessee & Kentucky farmers had to float produce down the river. (1784) Spain closed river to US commerce; Spain & Brit prevent US 4m controlling more than half its territory: Spain claimed large area North of Gulf of Mexico, Point of West. Florida(granted to the US in 1783), fort in Natchez. Land policies of Georgia and North Carolina made Southeast Native American ready allies of Spain.
  • Economic Slump Due To A Weak Congress

    Economic dread continued into the mid-1780s: the system of asking states for money was breaking down(some states refused to pay collections while complaining) and the interest on the debt was piling-up, while the US’ credit diminishing abroad
  • Land Ordinance of 1785

    The Land Ordinance of 1785 provided for the sale of land in the Old Northwest & used the proceeds for repaying the national debt. land was divided into 6x6mi townships that were split into 36 sections of 1x1mi, with 16 sections set aside for public schools. This orderly settlement of the Northwest contrasted with the chaotic settlement of land south of the Ohio river.
  • Shay's Rebellion

    In Maine, 1786, led by Captain Daniel Shays, a rebellion of revolution veterans demanded state issue paper money, lighten taxes, & suspend property takeovers. Many backcountry farmers and veterans of the revolution were losing their farms to foreclosure and property taxes
  • Northwest Ordinance

    The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 brought up the problem of how nation should treat its colonies. The answer was that they'd be governed by the federal government, then once it had 60,000 inhabitants it could become a state. Created a policy for administering the Northwest Territories. It included a path to statehood and forbade the expansion of slavery.
  • Commercial Shipping Revived

    before the constitution, the nation was emerging from a depression because about half of the states weren't using worthless money and were returning to gold. by 1789 overseas shipping had regained its place in the commercial world.