Andy Is Playing With Woody
- Exposition
Woody Finds Out That Andy's Birthday Is That Same Day
- Rising Action
Woody Calls A Meeting With All Toys
- Rising Action
Woody Sends Army Toys To Spy On Present-Opening
4.Rising action -
Army Toys Tell Woody That No New Toys Were Giving To Andy, Toys Cheer
5 Rising Action -
Andy Comes Upstairs And All Toys Hide
6 rising action -
Mom calls Andy and friends down for some cake, and toys become "alive" again
7 Rising Action -
Toys become curoius of the new present and can't find Woody
8 Rising Action -
Woody comes out from under the bed and toys start to question if Woddy has been replaced
- Rising Action
The new action toy becomes "alive" and looks around the room
10 Rising Action -
Toys come on bed and new toy freaks out
11 Rising Action -
New toy thinks he's on another planet and points laser at toys
12 Rising Action -
Woody, confused, introduces himself and toys
13 Rising Action -
New toy introduces himslef as Buzz LightYear, and says he's a space ranger
14 Rising Action -
Toys become very interested in Buzz
15 Rising Action -
Woody challenges Buzz and tells him to fly
16Rising Action -
Woody starts getting ignored by other toys, Buzz is being loved
17Rising Action -
Andy prefers palying with Buzz over any other toy
18Rising Action -
Woody purposely drops 8 ball behind the drawer
19Rising Action -
Woody tells Buzz to go get it, accidently pushes him out the window
20 Climax -
Toy's get mad and try to kill Woody
21 Climax -
Andy takes Woody to Pizza Plant since he can't find Buzz
22Falling Action -
Buzz comes out of bush and hops in van before Woody, Andy, and Mom leave
23Climax -
While Mom and Andy are getting gas, Buzz and Woody fight
24Climax -
Woody and Buzz get left behind at gas station
25Climax -
Woody sees Pizza Planet truck and tricks Buzz that its a spaceship
- Rising Action
Woody and Buzz arrive to pizza planet and disguise themselves as trash
27Rising action -
They enter Pizza Planet and Woody finds Andy
28Rising action -
Woody tries to get Buzz out of there, little green aliens won't allow him
29Rising Action -
Buzz sees a fake spaceship and enters it
30 Rising Action -
Andy's evil nextdoor neighbor gets them as a prize
31 Climax -
Woody and Buzz end up in Sid's Creepy room
32 Falling action -
Woody tries to get out and gets scared of Sid's other toys
33Falling action -
Buzz tries to fly out the window, but fails
34Falling Action -
Sid's sister finds Buzz and takes him
35Falling action -
Buzz goes physco
- Falling action
Woody tries to prove to Andy's toys that Buzz is with him and not dead
37Falling action -
Woody finds out that Sid wants to blow up Buzz and that Andy is moving SOON
38Rising Action -
Buzz is depressed and Woody gives him a motivational speech
37Rising Action -
Sid's toys fix Buzz and All of them come up with a plan before Buzz gets blown up and Andy moves
38Rising Action -
All toys scare Sid and become alive
39Climax -
Woody and Buzz thank toys and start heding to the moving truck
- falling action
Woody and Buzz get chased by Sids dog
falling action -
Sid's dog gets Woody, Buzz gets dog's attention and dog starts chasing Buzz
falling action -
Woody catches up to moving truck
falling action -
Wody drops remote control car and Andy's toys think that he wants to kill the car too
falling action -
Toys throw Woody off moving truck
falling action -
Woody goes to get Buzz and toys realize that he went to save Buzz
falling action -
Toy car runs out of battery
fslling sction -
Woody lights up rocket on Buzz and they catch up to moving truck
fslling sction -
Buzz, Woody, and toy car begin flying. Toy car gets thrown in moving truck
falling sction -
Buzz and Woody fall in Andy's van, Andy becomes happy
resolution -
Christmas time comes and army guys spy on Andys toys again
resolution -
Mr. Potato Head gets a wife and Andy gets a dog