Period: to
The Enlightenment Age
Is a philosofical movement of the 18th century. It changed people´s point of view by the science. This thought is the philosophical base of the American Revolution, because the ideas were carried by the American colonies. --Sage, H. (2012). The Ehlightenment in America. Retieved from sageamericanhistory.net -
Period: to
The Currency Act
The Parlament prohibited the colonies to have their own currency. They didn´t were able to use paper money neither bills. --Pavao, P. (2016) Currency Acts. Retrieved from revolutionary-war.net -
Period: to
Seven Years War
Was the First Global War. British and French were fighting beause of their commercial and imperial rivality. In the end and by the Treaty of Paris of 1763, France ceded Canada to the British. --Seven Years War. Retrieved from thecanadianencyclopedia.ca -
Stamp Act
It was a new law, it established on all the American colonies people had to pay taxes on every document they printed. Its purpose was to recollect money for the British military.--A Summary of the 1765 Stamp Act. Retrieved from history.org -
Period: to
Stamp Act Congress
Crated to protest against the British taxation and in response of the Stamp Act. It was conformed by representatives from only 9 of the colonies. --Stamp Act Congress. Retrieved from landofthebrave.info -
Boston Massacre
This event cost the life of five colonist and injured another six. This created more tension against the British military
--Martin. K. (2017). The Events That Led to the American Revolution. Retrieved from thoughtco.com -
Boston Tea Party
Was a protest organized by TheSonsOfLiberty. They used 3 ships to throw over 92,000 pounds of tea. Tea Party was the result of taxation without representation--(2016).BostonTeaPartyShips & Museum.Retrieved from:bostonteapartyship.com -
First Continental Congress
Organized by the 13 colonies: New Harpmshire, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey, Delaware, Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia. [Image](https://www.google.com.mx/search?client=firefox-b-ab&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=13+colonies&oq=13+colonies&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i67k1j0l3.13210.13210.0.14151. -
Period: to
Independence War
George Wahington was had an active and important role in this war. Also Thomas Gage, a general that had a lot of knowlodge about the American Continent. --Holmes. R. (2013). The American War of Independence: The Rebels and the Redcoats bbc.co.uk -
Declaration of Independence
Around 50 me signed the declaration. Including Benjamin Franklin a member of the Secret Committee of Correspondence. --The Declaration of Independence, 1776. Retrieved from history.state.gov