Toussaint l ouverture 1

Toussaint Louverture-Haitian Revolution

  • L'Ouverture is Born

    L'Ouverture is Born
    Toussaint was born a slave between 1739 and 1743 in Saint Dominic.
  • L'Overture is Educated

    L'Overture is Educated
    L'Overture was given an education by his godfather.
  • Toussaint is freed

    Toussaint is freed
    He was freed as a slave and continued working on a plantation he was born on. He earned enough money to rent his own small plantation as well as owning a dozen slaves.
  • Causes of the Haitian Revolution

    Causes of the Haitian Revolution
    Over 800 sugar plantations existed in Haiti, and nearly 500,000 enslaved people were forced to work on these plantations. The plantation owners terrorized the slaves through brutal methods.
  • Haitian Revolution

    Haitian Revolution
    All laws in France had been made by the king. In an economic crisis, the representatives demand a new constitution. Toussaint led armies against the French, Spanish, and British.
  • France Abolishes Slavery

    France Abolishes Slavery
    Slavery in both France and its territories were officially abolished by France's government, the National Convention.
  • Freedom

    L'Ouverture took control of the territory of Hati. He then freed all of the enslaved people and created a new constitution.
  • Death of Toussaint L'Ouverture.

    Death of Toussaint L'Ouverture.
    After ten months in prison, Toussaint L'Ouverture died.
  • Toussaint is Imprisoned

    Toussaint is Imprisoned
    16,000 French troops were sent to Saint Dominique to kill Toussaint. Toussaint said he would halt the revolution if slavery was abolished. However, the French thought he was planning another uprising. They sent him to a prison in the French Alps.
  • Results of the Revolution

    Results of the Revolution
    Haiti became the second independent nation in the New World. However, its agriculture was devastated due to years of war, and a lack of education and skilled labor in the country.