Toussaint Louverture is born
Toussaint Louverture is born in Saint Domingue. -
Toussaint Louverture becomes free
Toussaint Louverture is freed of slavery at the age of 33. -
Toussaint Gets Married
Toussaint Louverture married Suzanne Simone Baptiste Louverture, who was either his godfather's daughter or cousin. -
Period: to
The Haitian Rebellion
Toussaint Louverture fights in the slave rebellion and is a key figure in diplomatic talks with French officials. -
Toussaint joins France
Toussaint Louverture, learning that France has abolished slavery, Becomes loyal to France. -
Toussaint ousts Villate
Toussaint Louverture and Saint-Domingue insurrect Villate -
Sonthanax comes
Sonthanax, a commissioner sent from France, comes to Saint-Domingue -
Toussaint forces Sonthanax to leave
Toussaint Louverture forcibly deports Sonthanax from the island -
Toussaint signs treaty with Britain
Toussaint Louverture signs a treaty with British general Thomas Maitland -
Toussaint signs treaty with U.S.
Toussaint Louverture sings a treaty with John Adams before France and the U.S. go to war. -
Period: to
Civil war
Toussaint Louverture and Andre Rigaud fight in a civil war, ending with Rigaud fleeing to Guadaloupe -
Napoleon passes constitution
Napoleon passes a constitution that says that the colonies are subject to "special laws" and forbade toussaint to invade Spanish Santo Domingo -
Toussaint invades Spanish territory
Toussaint and Tyanchite Moise invade Spanish Santo Domingo against Napoleon's orders and took control of the entire island -
Toussaint declares Constitution of 1801
Toussaint sends the Constitution of 1801 he created, which gave France no benifits, to Napoleon. -
Napoleon sends troops to Saint-Domingue
Napoleon sends a campaign of 20,000 men to Saint-Domingue to seize control of the island and possibly restore slavery -
Louverture signs treaty with Leclerc
After much fighting and destruction, Toussaint and Leclerc signed a peace treaty, and Louverture retired. -
Toussaint is arrested
Toussaint Louverture is arrested by Jean-Baptiste Brunet -
Tossaint Louverture dies
Toussaint dies in prison at the age of 70.