First International Congress of Tourism Organizations
This was the first meeting of all the organizations which was held in The Hague, Netherlands. -
Change in the location of the headquarters
The headquarters moved from The Hague to Geneva, in order to keep it, in the heart of the European Union, to unify the countries. -
Period: to
The fast grow of the influx of tourists
From being the number of tourists in 1951, 25 million.
To being more than 166 millions, only in 20 years. -
The ONU decleared te year of tourism
The Organization of United Nations, declared the year 1967 as the tourism year, with the slogan, "Tourism: A passport to peace" -
Change in the headquarters to Spain
The headquarters of the UNTWO, were changed to Madrid, in order to establish a sector that promotes international solidarity. -
The UNTWO became an ONU agent
Name and branding was launched
In 2004, UNWTO name and branding were launched. -
+1 billion international arrivals
International year of sustainable tourism
In order to keep the tourism sustainable, the UNWTO declared 2017 as the International year of sustainable tourism for development. Also they were more than 1.3 billion international tourists. -
The creation of UNWTO
In this year, the organization changed to the name we all know it now, World Tourism Organization. -
Another record
In 2019, they registered more than 1.5 billion turists. -
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