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Tourism and Sustainability Timeline

By townson
  • Period: to

    Motivations, Destination Image, Tourism Impacts

  • Toward a sociology of international tourism

  • The Limits to Growth

    Meadows, Meadows, Randers, & Behrens
  • Staged authenticity: Arrangements of social space in tourist settings

  • Why destination areas rise and fall in popularity

  • Image as a factor in tourism development

  • A causation theory of visitor-resident irritants: Methodology and research inferences

  • The golden hordes: International tourism and the pleasure periphery

    Ash & Turner
  • Tourism's impacts: The social costs to the destination community as perceived by its residents

  • Motivations for pleasure vacation

  • An assessment of the image of Mexico as a vacation destination and the influence of geographical location upon that image.

  • The framework of tourism: Towards a definition of tourism, tourist, and the tourist industry

  • The concept of a tourist area cycle of evolution: implications for management of resources

  • Tourist motivation an appraisal

  • Period: to

    Resident Attitudes, Tourism Development, Authenticity, Attractions

  • The political economy of tourism in the Third World

  • The limits of acceptable change (LAC) system for wilderness planning

    Stankey, Cole, Lucas, Petersen, & Frissell
  • Resident perception of the environmental impacts of tourism

    Liu, Sheldon, & Var
  • The impact of tourism development on residents' perceptions of community life

    Allen, Long, Perdue, & Kieselbach
  • A general model of traveler destination choice

    Woodside & Lysonski
  • Resident support for tourism development

    Perdue, Long, & Allen
  • Attitude determinants in tourism destination choice

    Um & Crompton
  • Tourist attraction systems

  • Alternative tourism: Pious hope or Trojan horse?

  • Image differences between prospective, first-time, and repeat visitors to the Lower Rio Grande Valley

    Fake & Crompton
  • Tourism, capital, and place: Towards a critical geography of tourism

  • Period: to

    Sustainable Tourism, Rural Tourism, Impacts, Alternative Tourism, Destination Image

  • Residents' perceptions on tourism impacts

  • The measurement of destination image: An empirical assessment

    Echtner & Ritchie
  • Measuring destination attractiveness: A contextual approach

    Hu & Ritchie
  • Developing a tourism impact attitude scale

    Lankford & Howard
  • The tourism product

  • What is rural tourism?

  • Attitudes and perceptions toward tourism and rural regional development

  • Community attachment and attitudes toward tourism development

    McCool & Martin
  • The role of awareness and familiarity with a destination: The central Florida case

    Milman & Pizam
  • New directions in tourism for third world development

  • Sustainable tourism as an adaptive paradigm

  • Affective images of tourism destinations

    Baloglu & Brinberg
  • Developing and testing a tourism impact scale

    Ap & Crompton
  • Rethinking authenticity in tourism experience

  • Sustainable tourism: A state‐of‐the‐art review

  • Determinants of market competitiveness in an environmentally sustainable tourism industry

  • Staging tourism: Tourists as performers

  • Destination image, self-congruity, and travel behavior: Toward an integrative model

    Sirgy & Su
  • Tourism and sustainable development: Exploring the theoretical divide

  • Outdoor adventure tourism: A review of research approaches

  • Period: to

    Adventure Tourism, Technology, Dark Tourism, Cultural Benefits, Ecotourism

  • Residents' perceptions of the cultural benefits of tourism

    Besculides, Lee, & McCormick
  • Sustainable tourism: An overview of the concept and its position in relation to conceptualisations of tourism

    Hardy, Beeton, & Pearson
  • Sustainable tourism in protected areas

    Eagles, McCool, Haynes, & Phillips
  • Staged authenticity and heritage tourism

    Chhabra, Healy, & Sills
  • Motion picture impacts on destination images

    Kim & Richardson
  • Shades of dark tourism: Alcatraz and Robben Island

    Strange & Kempa
  • The competitive destination: A sustainable tourism perspective

    Ritchie & Crouch
  • Sustainable tourism development: A critique

  • Food in tourism: Attraction and impediment

    Cohen & Avieli
  • Host attitudes toward tourism: An improved structural model

    Gursoy & Rutherford
  • Reconceptualizing tourism

    Farrell & Twining-Ward
  • Residents’ perceptions of community tourism impacts

    Andereck, Valentine, Knopf, & Vogt
  • The tourist experience: Conceptual developments

  • Destination branding: Insights and practices from destination management organizations

    Blain, Levy, & Ritchie
  • Measuring residents’ attitude toward sustainable tourism: Development of sustainable tourism attitude scale

    Choi & Sirakaya
  • Promoting destinations via film tourism: An empirical identification of supporting marketing initiatives

    Hudson & Ritchie
  • Travel blogs and the implications for destination marketing

    Pan, MacLaurin, & Crotts
  • Value, satisfaction and behavioral intentions in an adventure tourism context

    Williams & Soutar
  • Mediating tourist experiences: Access to places via shared videos

    Tussyadiah & Fesenmaier
  • Sustainable tourism: Research and reality

  • Adapting to the mobile world: A model of smartphone use

    Wang, Xiang, & Fesenmaier