Topics 3-6 Test

  • 1194 BCE

    Trojan War

    Trojan War
    The Trojan war was a conflict between the Mycenaeans and the city of Troy. This was a war recorded by Herodotus and was a mix of reality and myth. Although it did set the scene for the Odysseus and the Iliad.
  • 776 BCE

    Start of Olympics

    Start of Olympics
    The Olympics were started as a way to honor the gods like Zeus, Hera, and many more. It consisted of foot races and other athletic events.
  • 499 BCE

    Persian War

    Persian War
    This battle was between the Persians and Greeks. It lasted many years and consisted of two big battles. Defeating the Persians led the Greeks to be able to conquer more land and gave the Greeks even more confidence in their abilities.
  • 484 BCE

    Herodotus- records history

    Herodotus- records history
    Herodotus has been dubbed the father of history as he was the first to record history. He objectively recounted mainly the different wars, but he is also sometimes known as telling lies. This was because he added fables into his recordings making it harder to differentiate between fact and fiction.
  • 432 BCE

    Completion of the Parthenon

    Completion of the Parthenon
    Although this is one small event it was a good example of architecture throughout ancient Greece. All of these temples were built logically which embodies how the Greeks thought. Some of the Greeks ancient temples are still standing today showing how strong and intelligent they were.
  • 403 BCE

    Start of Democracy

    Start of Democracy
    Since the creation of democracy in Athens it has disappeared and has now appeared within society today. This is important as democracy kept the Greek citizens more willing and good citizens as they were able to participate in their society making them feel important.
  • 399 BCE


    Socrates is a good example of philosophy throughout ancient Greek history. His method, the Socratic method, is still known today which shows how influential the Greeks were. The Socratic method is a teacher asking questions to get a response, basically group discussion.
  • 371 BCE

    Conquest of Sparta

    Conquest of Sparta
    Sparta was a military and loyalty based city as they were very warlike and violent. On the other hand, they treated women much better than most other Greek city states. Sparta also had a huge slave population which was typical for many other Greek city states.
  • 342 BCE

    Roles of Women and Slaves

    Roles of Women and Slaves
    In some places like Sparta women were regarded quite highly and they were fairly independent and received an education. Spartan women had the most rights when compared to other Greek women. Slaves however had little to no rights and were treated like property.
  • 323 BCE

    Alexander the Great

    Alexander the Great
    Alexander the Great is regarded as one of the world's best generals. He was a proud man and created a huge empire. His father was able to unite many of the Greek city states and he carried on the legacy to permanently destroy the Persian empire. Eventually, his cockiness got the best of him and by not naming an heir it led to his downfall.
  • 100 BCE


    Throughout this timeline it is obvious that many parts of Greek culture is still seen today. They had remarkable architecture, made great advancements in not only philosophy but also mathematics and science. Their advancements were not only important but their great conquests, and how they were so strong and proud shows a great example for future civilizations.